Making Online Board Meetings Productive

Online board meetings can be the ideal way to bring your Board together, without the constraints of space, time, and travel. There are challenges in making these meetings as productive as is possible. This article will provide tips to ensure that your online board meeting are as productive as you can.

Keeping everyone engaged. Online board members may feel less inclined to speak up than those who meet in person, which could make it difficult to discuss the issues and hamper the flow of the meeting. This could result in miscommunication and confusion. This can be addressed by making sure the right technology is in use and establishing clear communication protocols for virtual meetings.

Board meetings require a substantial amount of preparation. Utilizing a board management software that includes document storage can make it easier to keep track of tasks and assignments. This allows meetings to concentrate on the most important topics and helps with the overall efficiency of your board.

Mute functions can be an effective tool for online board meetings. When people work from home, they might have children, pets, or colleagues in the room. These distractions can make it difficult to concentrate on the discussion. Disabling everyone from speaking until they’re speaking is a simple method to keep these distractions from affecting the meeting. A maximum speaking time can also be set to avoid one person dominating a discussion. A person who keeps minutes will ensure that all points and discussions are recorded. Set a time frame for each agenda item can help ensure that the meeting is efficient.

use productive meeting agenda

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